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Window Cleaning Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction

Have you ever heard the myth that using hot water to clean windows is the best method? Or that window cleaners use toxic chemicals that are harmful to your health and the environment? In reality, these are just a few of the common misconceptions surrounding window cleaning that many people believe to be true. In this article, we will debunk these myths and provide you with real facts about window cleaning that will change the way you think about this essential task.

Window Cleaning Myth 1: The Hot Water Myth

Some believe that using hot water when cleaning windows is best. However, this is far from the truth. In fact, hot water can cause streaking and smears. Professional window cleaners, such as your friendly team here at Alpine High Window Cleaning, use a sponge-like tool, sometimes known as a “mop”, to apply cleaning solution, followed by a squeegee to remove the solution and grime quickly. Using hot water causes the cleaning solution to dry too quickly, resulting in dried solution that requires more effort to remove. Lukewarm or room temperature water is preferred.

Window Cleaning Myth 2: Chemical Concerns Debunked

While some people worry about the use of toxic chemicals on their windows, we use only benign cleaning agents. A simple eco-friendly mixture, along with our tried and true techniques is all that’s needed to achieve a crystal clear finish! This solution is safe for your family, pets, and the environment, and poses no risk to nearby foliage.

Window Cleaning Myth 3: Cost-Effective and Professional Results

Contrary to popular belief, having your windows professionally cleaned is not expensive. In fact, it is often one of the most affordable ways to improve the appearance of your home or facility. Our professional window cleaning team have years of experience and the proper tools to tackle even the dirtiest jobs, and they do it in less time than you might expect. If you’re wondering about the cost for your home or business, simply contact us for a free, no-obligation quote.

Window Cleaning Myth 4: The Newspaper Myth

One of the more extreme, yet common myths about window cleaning is the idea that using newspaper to dry your windows is the best method. While, yes, newspaper will absorb water, newsprint ink can, and most likely will, stain your white window frames, and the delicate nature of the paper can cause it to disintegrate and become a cleaning nightmare. Instead, our pros stick to the tried and try method of using a squeegee to remove the cleaning solution and achieve a streak-free finish.

Now that you know the truth about these window cleaning myths, you have some important knowledge on how to select the right professional window cleaning team for your home or office. At Alpine High Window Cleaning we pride ourselves on using the right tools and techniques so that you can always rely on us to achieve a crystal clear shine for your windows without any of the headaches or hassles that come with these common misconceptions.

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